Web developer & graphic designer based in NYC. Currently the web producer at Triple Canopy. Works previously exhibited or written about at Typojanchi, Sprint Milano, Unseen Archive, and Its Nice That. Talks given at CCA, Princeton, Rhizome, Parsons, SVA, VCU, and Naive Yearly.

Email tiger.dingsun@gmail.com to inquire about freelance, collaborations, or just to say hi! (really!)

Resume available upon request.

Type Design
  1. Wyvern Sans (work in progress)
  2. Cross Chancery
  3. Corpus
    Fall 2018
    Filed under:
    Type Design

    Corpus is a text weight typeface based on 'Beijing Comrades,' an erotic gay novel first published anonymously in China on the Internet in 1998. Its steep serifs and supple curves evoke the the danger and allure of homo-romanticism in the midst of China's rapid economic development.